Selling is hard!  But is it???

We think selling sounds hard.  No one wants to be pushy, icky, or gross when working with clients.  We don't want to be the ones suggesting product after product to our clients just hoping that they bite on something and leave without feeling like we have ripped them off or pressured them into something they don't want or need.  I get it.

It doesn't have to be that way.

Offering products at the selection appointment is actually really very easy.  People have hired you for a service, if you have followed the process, then once it comes to this step on your workflow, it is almost as easy as taking candy from a baby. (But don't do that.  That is mean and is makes babies cry.)

In this guide I walk through how I run my selection appointments easily without out all the sleazy sales ideas that we have in our heads.  

Selling doesn't have to leave you feeling like you need to go take a shower after every appointment.

Really,  it is a service to provide for your clients.  

Learn the basics in this guide

We won't send spam. We HATE spam. It might taste good but we don't want it in our email box and we won't send it to yours.

This Free Guide is perfect for the photographer who:

  • Is reluctant to offer products
  • Doesn't want to "sell" anything
  • Doesn't want to be "salesly"
  • Needs to make more per session
  • Doesn't know how to offer printed products
  • Thinks they can't sell
  • You have an IPS business model but haven't made it all "click" yet.


My Name is Dorie Howell. . . 

I have helped THOUSANDS of photographers worldwide improve their business simply by helping them add printed products to what they offer their clients.

And unlike previous extended workflows and complicated processes, I have narrowed down the exact things that photographers can do to offer beautiful items to their clients WITHOUT feeling like you are forcing them to:

  • Sell their first born to afford your services
  • Have 5 different meetings with them 
  • Feel salesy and awkward
  • Sit uncomfortably while they make hard decisions about what they want to purchase

This process allows you to offer something different to your client no matter if you are practicing and IPS or All-Inclusive business model.  So it is  a win win for all.


You NEED to sell more to increase your bottom line.  

Learn how to do that in an easy way by downloading this guide.

We won't send spam. We HATE spam. It might taste good to some but we don't want it in our email box and we won't send it to yours.